Sailor, Rest Your Oars. Passing of CAPT Ken Brown, USN (ret)

Captain Brown passed away at Tripler Army Medical Center, in Honolulu, Hawaii after a battle with cancer.
Captain Brown had been Razorback's Commanding Officer from March, 1966 to May 1968.
Captain Brown was an active and enthusiastic supporter of the museum. He traveled to visit us several times, and was even kind enough to donate his personal scrapbook to us. The scrapbook contained over 200 photographs, newspaper clippings and other documents related to his time aboard Razorback.
While some of the photographs were routine, many others offered a candid look at life aboard a submarine during the height of the Cold War. The above photograph was taken on New Years Eve 1966. A number of items from Captain Brown's scrapbook are on display in the museum.
Funeral arrangements are being handled by Captain Brown's family, and have not yet reached us. Please take a moment to remember this member of Razorback's crew.
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