Who's Who??

This is probably one of the most famous photographs of the submarine service during World War II. There is only one slight problem - the submarines are listed in alphabetical order, which is probably not how they were lined up next to Proteus.
However, thanks to some diligent research by the AIMM staff, we now know "who's who"...
From the deck log of USS Proteus (AS-19), 02 September, 1945:
"...Six submarines nested alongside to starboard for voyage repairs, order in nest inboard outboard, USS Archerfish (SS-311), USS Muskallunge (SS-262), USS Cavalla (SS-244), USS Razorback (SS-394), USS Haddo (SS-255), USS Segundo (SS-398). Six submarines nested alongside to port for voyage repairs, order in nest inboard outboard, USS Runner (SS-476), USS Gato (SS-212), USS Seacat (SS-399), USS Pilotfish (SS-376), USS Tigrone (SS-419), USS Hake (SS-256)."
So, we can now add some information to this photo...

Photograph NH-90519, courtesy of the Naval History and Heritage Command, Historic Washington Navy Yard, DC
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