Thursday, February 28, 2013

WWII Diary - Part One - Training

"8 June 1944 - Yeoman Aucoin and I were transferred from the USS O-4 to the USS Razorback under the command of Roy Benson, CDR, USN.  The executive officer is C. Donald Brown, LCDR, USN, our former skipper on the O-4."

"26 June 1944 - After some operations out of New London we loaded our stores and torpedoes and departed New London for Key West, Florida.  This first trip sure seemed a long time especially while I was feeding the fish for a couple of days after we left..."

"31 June - After a six day journey, we arrived at Key West, Florida...I can't say much for the liberty at Key West.  There wasn't much to do, yet it expired too early...The last two liberties we spent at the Havana Madrid Patio where the main attraction was the fan dancer, Sally Rand.  I also can't say much for this show due to the facts that Sally's fans were too large and too well controlled.  Otherwise OK."

" 04 August - We arrived at Pearl for a training period of 15 days and a voyage overhaul...I really had a workout while we had the training period on the JP sound gear.  It seemed like we were at battle stations all day and sometimes all day and all night, and all the next day.  Don't think we weren't glad when that was over and we started to load up for our first war patrol"


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