Cold Air On The Way
Razorback Base member Ray Wewers said the donation of the Geo-Thermal Heat Pump Units was made possible by a generous contribution from the Razorback Base, as well as personal cash contributions from James Mason, former "Chief of the Boat" and the family of Ed Feeley, Chief Torpedoman aboard Razorback in the 1950s. AIMM also appreciates the many volunteers who provided many hours of labor to prepare the submarine for this major project.
We would hope all of the AIMM supporters and friends would drop a note of thanks to Mr. Rood. You can send your email thanks to us at and we will compile them into a formal thank-you including your comments. 
These donations will make an interesting trip through history much more pleasant for our visitors.
In the photo on the right, Ray Wewers is seen preparing to get back inside the super-structure to continue installing the air-conditioning unit above the after battery. A Rood, Inc. employee can be seen in the blue shirt below deck.
The other heat pump will be placed above the forward battery in the ward room. We hope they will be operational for the week-end tours!
Keeping things up is a very expensive proposition. Please go to and click on the donations section to see how you can help.
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