Sunday, August 05, 2007

New in the Museum Store

Submarine Skulduggery - Twenty-five of the best pranks, gags, jokes and tricks coming from the imaginations of diesel and nuclear submariners - $8

Undersea Encounters - The "hows" and "whys" of over thirty American submarine collisions and groundings from 1903 to 2005, taken from the records and the memories of the men who were there - $20

Submarine Escape and Rescue - An anthology from 1851 to 2005. This book details over 40 different escapes during both peacetime and wartime - $20

Steep Angles and Deep Dives - Eighteen dives that went wrong, from the memories of the submariners who fought to get their boats back under control - $17

Submarine Cuisine - The Navy's best chefs bring you their secret recipes refined over many years under the sea - $19

Submarine Losses During World War II (CD) - This is an electronic version of a book published by the Naval Historical Center in 1963, detailing everything they knew then about the 52 submarines lost during World War II. Although some new information has been discovered since then, this is still a great reference - $10

If you would like to have any of these books or CDs mailed to you, please call the museum store at (501) 371-8320. If you miss us, please leave a message and we will get back to you.


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